[ezcol_1half]Traditional pastoralism is facing difficult times in the Middle East today. The Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon (SPNL) has been leading the Mediterranean Consortium’s project here and has been exploring the many threats to both pastoralism and nature in the region (Lebanon, Jordan and Syria). Not only is the political context difficult, there is little understanding of the different types of pastoralism and transhumance there, and its real impacts on nature in light of changing climatic conditions. Policies have been unsupportive and even harmful for years and rangeland management takes little account of the knowledge of shepherds in decision-making.[/ezcol_1half]

[ezcol_1half_end]The work of Asaad Saleh from Lebanon portrays with a keen eye and great kindness the lives of Lebanese pastoralists… Assad’s enthusiasm for photography has always been driven by his love for nature and Lebanon’s beautiful and rich landscapes. In addition to the Lebanese National Museum 360 project, Asaad has worked on projects for The Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), École supérieure des affaires (Beirut), Byblos Sud Village, and many more.
Website and portfolio links: www.asaadsaleh.com[/ezcol_1half_end]



Asaad Saleh for On The Move